Maine Public Reserve Lands Scoping/Listening Session
Franklin Community Center
Introductions from Bureau of Parks and Lands and other state employees
s Ralp Knoll - Bureau of Parks, Land Aquisition Program
s John Titus
s Scott Ramsey
s Tom Charles
s Jim Frohn
s Tom
s Steve Spencer
s Joe Wiley
s Steven Richardson
s Jay Hall
s Charlie Corliss - LURC Cherryfield
Other introductions went by very quickly. Persons attending included biking, snowmobile, ATV, business and property owners.
State: We are here to listen and answer questions.
History - John Titus
1991 Bureau adopted a management plan for the Donnell Pond Unit. The plan should be revised every ten years.
Changes have occurred since 1991 - grown from 7,000 acres to about 14,000 acres with Fire Mountain and Spring River Lake.
Ecological reserves process - several parcels have been so designated including the Caribou and Black Mountain area
Instructed to develop policies to allow ATV use, the SU or shared use roads.
Adoption of a revised integrated resource management policy (2000) set new guidelines.
New developments on the area - trail systems and campsites
Boat launching facility - Donnell Pond
Discussion: Ralph
Planning Process - different this time. Asking for input up front.
Issues paper - articulate what the issues are for the property
Will create an advisory committee with a broad spectrum of interests
Committee will assist reviewing the plan.
Some areas are set aside as “Ecological Reserves”
Will hold a public meeting to present the draft plan.
s Natural Geological
s Historical Cultural
s Fisheries and wildlife
s Timber and renewable resources
s Administrative resources
Question: Charlie Corliss - Is there a plan for a boat launch for Long Pond?
This is being considered. The current arrangement is very dangerous. An alternative site might be considered.
This would also be an opportunity to restore the correct drainage going north which was blocked many years ago to send water through a saw mill to the south.
Comment: Non-point pollution into Long Pond is a concern
Question about dirt bicycling - bikes are permitted in ecological reserve as a secondary use. Must not conflict with primary use.
Mountain bikes can erode trails.
Trail building - invite volunteer efforts for trail maintenance -prefer that it be coordinated. Need to be careful to clear trails in the correct places. Also need to be mindful of safety.
Comment Bill Ceckler - discussion of the East Coast Greenway and the need to anticipate increase use from bicycles, horses and hikers. (South side of Schoodic Mountain)
Comment: Suggestion for a trail from Sprague falls road to Tunk Mountain
Bureau of Parks may be willing to map trails across private property. The landowners need to give permission.
The Bureau may not have funds to maintain a trail.
Want to be cautious about putting planned acquisition on a map. This can create difficulties for subsequent negotiations and speculative land pricing. Better to identify the kinds of values that are being sought.
Comment: Would like to see the word TUNK on the plan. Donnell is a small part of the entire area.
Comment: Feel that Donnell Pond is at capacity. Would like to see camp sites built on Spring River Lake.
Question: Will ATVs be permitted on Fiery Mountain under the new plan.
Technically they are not allowed now since there is no management plan.
Recommend that people who want a trail create a map that shows where they want to go. ATV clubs can request that some routes be designated.
Hope to have a first draft of a plan this summer.
Comment: Sally Jacobs- hope to see greater cooperation between bicycles, snowmobiles and ATVs
Question: How is Logging managed?
Older plan, timber harvesting is part of the legislative mandate and a source of revenues for other activities. Prefer to encourage growth for saw logs and veneer.
Timber harvesting is a secondary use and would need to be conducted in accordance with sustainable practices
Comment: Suggest that logging be limited in the watershed to avoid environmental harm.
Will work with Natural areas program to identify unique natural resources for protection. e.g. tributaries, streams
Much of the erosion results from road building.
Two areas prescribed for harvesting - generally quite small areas.
Comment: Bill Ceckler - heard reports of problems of disturbances at the Donnell Camping area. should consider ways to manage visitors. Discourage noise.
There are also trails going up Black Mountain that need some parking.
A parking area that can be plowed in the winter would help.
Comment: Charlie Corliss - suggest that a Pit latrine be placed at Tunk and Donnell Pond.
Comment: Recommendation that dogs not be permitted on the beaches. There is a lot of feces on the beach.
Suggest posting the leash laws and responsibility for clean-up.
Question: Any plans to improve the boat launch on Donnell Pond? The plan is to keep the ramp at its current size.
A vault toilet is planned for the boat launch area.
Suggest that people speak with the RTAC
Memorandum of understanding between different agencies can make things happen. Need to speak with one voice. Parking aprons are more likely to be built when a road is being rebuilt
Comment: Property owner on Donnell Pond does not want to encourage heavy use of this area. Want to keep use light. Want this to be a quiet area. There is increasing pressure on private roads.
Response - purchase of the Noyes property included public access across the road. A discussion ensued about how roads are plowed and who pays. The person who is plowing is not being paid and would like a contract with the state.
There is money in the budget to help pay for road maintenance. There is less money than last year.
Jim Frohn, the new forester, is a good local contact person.
s Card Mill and Spring River sites are managed by Bureau of Parks and Lands
s Tunk Lake is owned and managed by fish and wildlife
s Long Pond is in the MDOT right of way.
Questions: Where will jet skis be permitted?
Regulation of jet skis must go through fish and wildlife
Comment: Jim Fisher - Encourage policies that will slow the spread of invasive aquatic species such as milfoil.
There are state guidelines in place.
Comment: Concern about non-point pollution sources - water quality monitoring, mitigation of acid rain
Comment: Desire to preserve some of the blueberry barrens noted. Person who sold the property may have retained the right to grow blueberries there.
Eco-Reserves - created for scientific research, refuge for plants or animals and management.
Comment: Concerned about some hunting practices such as dog hunts for bobcats and leaving piles of stale doughnuts to draw-in bears.
Current uses are generally maintained. Bear bating and bobcat hunting are specifically allowed by force of the legislature.
Wrap up
Appreciate tonight's comments
Will come back with a draft document.
Notes taken by Jim Fisher (